I love Dolly but this special is not her best work.

Cantankerous Old Me

I am about to turn 64 years old. So, admittedly and proudly I am old by internet standards. That said, I simply do not understand this trend of replying to tweets, message board posts, or whatever with just a picture, meme, or some silly short video from The Office. Again, maybe it’s just me, but I find those type reply’s thoughtless and rather annoying. Am I the only one who feels this way?

The Booksellers, Probably not everyone’s cup of tea, but as a bookseller myself, I found it very interesting.

Jerry & Marge Go Large, definitely a “feel good” movie.

A wooded yard is nice in the summer but damn, these leaves are going to be the death of me. 📷

She Said Good movie, certainly worth the matinee. 🍿

My 2 cents on Twitter

Like many, I joined Twitter several years ago. Though I seldom posted, I found it a great way to keep up with what was going on in my local community, as 90% of the accounts I first followed were from my ate or were community related in some way. Over time it developed into my preferred method of obtaining local and national news and keeping up with my favorite sports teams. Sure I see the occasional far-fetched political rant, but I have been around long enough to see through the BS and generally keep my feed clear of the wackos. I should add that I use Hootsuite for my Twitter client which seems to help keeping my feed clean.

Now suddenly Twitter gets purchased by a mostly clueless billionaire and many are bailing for other platforms. Mastodon seems to be a common landing spot. I have not yet joined Mastodon but from what I have read it is very much a Twitter clone without the huge conglomerate / clueless billionaire behind it. I will give it time to grow and develop before I consider joining.

I have recently joined micro.blog and find the ability to post in either short form or long form to be to my liking. This is more for my benefit than anything else, I have no grandiose expectations that anyone actually cares what I have to say. It’s more like my private journal that I choose to post publicly.

I said all that to say this: yes I am trying and enjoying micro.blog. But I have no plans to bail on Twitter anytime soon as it still serves my needs, mostly better than it did when I first joined.


Stairway to nowhere. 📷

Finally received my new iPhone 14 Pro (ordered 2+ weeks ago). Though I haven’t yet dug into many of the new features, so far I am very impressed. 📱

Anyone lucky enough to live near a Buc-ees should definitely try this.

I am almost 64 and consider myself too old for TikTok. It’s just a big waste of time. So what do I do? Spend hours scrolling YouTube shorts and Instagram reels. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Twitter cross post test

I would be lost without my Amazon Echo devices.

Frantically researching tax laws hoping to claim an exemption when I win this 1.6 BILLION dollar lottery tonight.

As a life long resident of East Tennessee, I have a deep admiration for the beauty of this area. Picture is of the road leading to my house. 📷


I am almost 64 years old, about as middle-of-the-road politically as you can be, and do not necessarily consider myself old fashioned. However, I struggle to understand the big deal about “pronouns”. I’ve lived my entire life not worrying that someone might refer to me by the wrong pronoun.

Personally, I would like to change a few of my adjectives. From now on I’d like everyone to refer to me as tall and handsome rather than short and fat. 🤣

No offense to those who feel they must state their preferred pronouns, I just do not understand that need. Maybe I am old fashioned . 🤔

Anyone use OpenAI Playground? I tried creating a witty post using the word license (see what I did there) with it. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to understand “witty”. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Nine miles from nowhere. 📷

As the calendar has now crossed into November, how about a fun fact about Thanksgiving.

The holiday season is a time of celebration, which means toasts upon toasts are made. Before the annual feast even begins, there’s the night before Thanksgiving—which has come to be known as one of the booziest days of the year. It’s even dubbed “Black Wednesday” in some places.